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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Pinspired Style: If you like it, pin it...

Well in case y'all were wondering...
Well I never really left but my snarkalicious self is here.
Am I still sad?
Of course.
Does stress have a tight ass grip on my lady ballz?
Did I eat half a tub of vanilla icing last night whilst watching The Biggest Loser?
I sure as hell did.
Keep your judgies to yo' own self!
I am linking up with my little fashion divas Stephanie & Laura for the first Pinspired Style of the New Year!
...not forgetting to mention if you link up with this one you get entered in to win a $10.00 make ya holla' Starbucks GC.
So duh what are you waiting for?
The Vintage Modern Wife

First off I want to start out by saying that if you ever see something on Pinterest make sure that you pin that shit.
Don't forget to pin it or tell yourself you will find it later.
Because I can assure you, you won't.
I have searched high and low for this one hair tutorial and I cannot find it.
Basically it was for the perfect curls.
This bitch had the cutest gelled curls but you couldn't tell they were gelled.
I do remember her secret though.

So I decided to just put a belt on a sweater and went with it.
I need to prepare more but between the death of the dog and this move I am straight crazy pants.

So this was my PINspiration:
Pinned Image

Long Sleeve Tunic Sweater with Belt:
Belt with a sweater!!
And this is what I came up with:
I know...
How original!
Oh and if you are wondering how I got dem soft curly locks...
Hairspray, Spray Gel, Mousse, and leave in conditioner...
Leave in conditioner is the trick people!!!
I never knew how bishes got those girls but they weren't crunchy and one minor movement and your curl would snap off and fall onto the floor.
That may, or may not, have happened to me before...
Today I am basically starving myself for that half a tub of vanilla icing I devoured last night.
{Yes, that would be paint that is still all over my nails that I cannot get off}
I still have to pack every room up and lets not forget to mention that we are still not finished painting the house.
It will be a miracle if my ADHD/OCD/ANALASFUKSELF manages to pull through.
Husby literally forced me to sit on the couch all night last night.
Tonight I will be surrounded by packing boxes and most likely losing my shit in a bottle glass of wine.
What will you be doing tonight???
Oh ya and I have been asked to do a Q&A VLOG...
So submit your questions...
ALSO...  Don't forget to go here and enter the MEGA GIVEAWAY that I am participating in!!!!
To: fuckyeahbigang Love: Your biggest fan, RealityTVGIFs. #BigAngLips


  1. Cute outfit. I like that first photo of it. Very 50s style like.

    Hmm...a question for YOU? I guess: If you could invite any famous person to dinner who would it be?

  2. Like the outfit lovie :) PS use a eyeliner brush and nail polish to get the edges. It never peels off all the way there for me so I always have to use one!

  3. Where do I start? Love the the gifs...I had reese pieces for breakfast so I am with you on eating bad! You are amazing by the way!

  4. I've lost sooo many pins that way. Talk about frustrating. I've taken to "liking" pins that I don't want to take the time to actually repin, yet I know I'll want to find later. Maaaan, I'm a grade a lazy ass apparently.

    Also, cute outfit! Much better than what I threw together this morning.

  5. Ok I need to know exactly how you did your curls. Please tell me!

  6. Cuuuuute, girlfriend! Belted sweaters/cardigans are one of my go to looks - Such an easy way to pull an outfit together! Thanks for being awesome and linking up with us!
