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Friday, January 11, 2013

Guest Post: Get 'Er Done


I am Holly. I blog over at Where We Can Live Like Jack and Sally. My favorite things to write about our my inner fat girl problems and my cute babies.

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Marrr---sseaaaa asked me to do a guest post for her today. It's kind of like the cool kid in high school asking you to do their homework for them. So since I am a sucker for social acceptance, I said yes.

We all know that Marcy is has been moving into a new house. And if you didn't know that, then let me give you a little reminder.

Marcy is moving. She is painting, cleaning, updating, and shopping.

And she is driving her family bat-shit crazy.

I can say those things, and mail her some Xanax, because we are one in the same.

Her situation reminds me of the time that we were selling our house about 18 months ago. And whenever someone is moving, packing, unpacking, what have you, there are always those people that volunteer to help.

But we all know they will never help. "Oh Holly! Congrats on the new house. Let me know if you need anything!" And then you actually host some kind of paint party or furniture moving party {which, yes, those should not be called parties, but we're all propaganda whores}... and they are no-shows.


You'll have those friends that will come over and just kinda stand around? Like they don't know what to do? Or they acted like they have never painted with a paint roller before. "Uh, how do I use this?"

I call this, pulling the "Incompetent Card."

Which reminded me of the time that I moved and I asked my sister to help out with a few things:

1. I asked my sister Noel to paint a small section on the back of the house. It needed some fresh paint and sprucin’ up.  It also needed two coats. So she goes out there the first day and dilly-dallies around.  She paints for 20 minutes or so then heads inside to take a break. Apparently, this met a break for the rest of the day because the second day she went to do the 2nd coat, and she realized that she didn't put the lid back on the can of paint. Paint and supplies all ruined. No problem, I am made of money. I will buy more supplies.

2. I asked my sister Noel to lay some grass seed in the backyard, water the ground, and lay hay. I came home and still saw the seed still in the garage. I asked her if that was left over from the backyard... And she replied, "Oh shoot, I just laid the hay..." So I had a backyard covered in hay, without grass being grown beneath it. Oh, wonderful.

3. I asked my sister Noel to paint two interior doors for me. At this point, I was desperate. I laid down a sheet and towel for her, as well as set up all of her supplies. How could she mess this up? I go into check on her and saw white paint prints all over the hardwood floor. She had stepped in paint and didn't realize it. Kill me now!

Bottom line... My only advice for Marcy...


  1. Love this. It is definitely true and I think I'd kill my sister for those things, lol. Especially the paint foot marks.

  2. I've read that moving is one of life's most stressful events...and I thought having a newborn was hard? Apparently it's got nothing on moving;-) Good luck!

  3. Too funny Holly. I agree, if you want some thing done right, you've got to do it yourself! :-)

  4. I think I would have killed this chick Noel. Also? Best ecard ever.

  5. We are moving this weekend too. So I completely understand this to a T. The only problem I have with moving this weekend is that we got a foot of snow and it's freezing here! Let's move when its below 0 outside.....OK! Good luck Marcy with your move and good post Holly!

  6. So funny. It is just easier to do it yourself. We need to clone ourselves, but I bet that damn clone couldn't get it right either.

  7. so funny and true! I'm very type A so I get frustrated when things aren't done right and usually end up doing it myself. Great guest post and good luck with your move Marcy!

  8. pfhahahaha Holly you are a trip! This post was hysterical and so true. if you want something done right- do it yourself! And now I have a new blog to follow- hey hey there Marcy!

  9. OMG. I found a new love as well. But I still love you more Marcy!!!

  10. hahaha. poor Noel. so mistreated by her sister.

  11. Hahaha!!!! This is why I'll never move.
