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Monday, May 13, 2013

There is a lesson in everything...

Hey y'all.
Hope all my Mamas had a fantastic Mother's Day.
My heart really isn't into blogging today.
You guys know I don't sugar coat anything and my heart is hurting so badly.
Honestly I wasn't even going to put a post up today.
Really the only reason I am is to show off my cute dress from Saturday night and my cute kids from my Baby Mamas Day.
Just pray for me and for my family.
We are going through a lot right now.
It's taking everything I have just to even make it through this work day.
As if all the emotional stuff wasn't enough I managed to put a small hole and scratch in my back passenger side sliding door.
That's only after I have managed to crack the back driver's side light and put some sort of yellow paint on the front bumper since getting my swager wagon two months ago...
I just keep telling myself there is a lesson in everything right?
It's just a car and it can be fixed.
Maybe my lesson is that I need to slow down and really clear my head.
My mind is spinning.
I just literally want to fold up into a ball and cry.
But here I am working and trying my hardest to put a smile on my face.
Besides today though my weekend was pretty great.
I will let the pictures do all the talking.
Happy Monday.


  1. thinkin happy thoughts for you love! hope things let up soon.

  2. Love your face and sending good thoughts your way!!! Everything will be ok!!!

  3. Sending you lots of love, positive vibes and prayers. xoxox0

  4. Keep your head up girl! Thinking of you and sending positive vibes your way!

  5. Hey, sweetie! So sorry you're struggling. I am praying for you and your family. God sometimes lets us go through periods of brokenness to bring us closer to Him. Seek Him through this and He will bring you through it.

  6. Love you sweetie! I hope your day gets better!! xoxo

  7. Prayers headed your way! Keep your chin up! Hope you had a wonderful mother's day! You looked BEAUTIFUL in that dress!

  8. I will be thinking and praying for you guys! Let me know if you need anything!

  9. Praying for you and your family. Stay strong

  10. Sweet lady, you are always there to support so many of us. If you need a day....or Then take what you need....we WILL be here when you get back. You deserve a break if that is what you need. Sending prayers and hugs your way!

  11. Your pictures are super cute (as always). I hope things start going better!!

  12. I love you Marcy! Hope your day starts looking up!

  13. Thinking of you Girlie! If you need to talk/bitch/vent/cry, I am hear for you!

  14. Thinking of you!! You know where to find me if you want to chat. Love you!

  15. Sorry to hear you're having a rough day! Hope it gets better.

  16. Big Hugs to you! I know things suck right now, but you and your family will get through it and things will be better.

  17. Big fat kiss and nozzle coming your way.

    In other news, those cinnamon rolls were the epitome of my childhood. Take me back.

  18. Thinking of you! I hope all goes well.

  19. Prayers and Hugs heading your way!!! Love all the cute pics of you and your littles.. <3

  20. Prayers and Hugs heading your way!!! Love all the cute pics of you and your littles.. <3
