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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A little Nerky Meg action...

Please give my nerdizzle some serious love!  She took on the last minute challenge of filling in for me today while I take a mental break!!!  All I ask is that you pray for me, my family, and most importantly my Pawpaw today...  XOXO

Oh, SNAP. Unexpected guest post on hump day from Nerky. I know what you're thinking: Fuck. Yes. I know my girl Marcy as @milfmommyof3 on Instagram. I myself am a milfmommyof1, unless you count fur babies, then milfmommyof2. I haven't always been a milf. I mean, my kid is only a year and a half old. Before him I was just an ilf. (I got jokes!) Ha, I kid. I used to, um, have more to me. More cushion for the pushin', if you will, except I rarely did any pushin' because I felt so insecure/depressed/unhappy/bad about myself. 
I started counting down from 200 lbs because it's not really fair to include the fetus and all the other watery goo inside you in your weight loss, so in 20 months I've lost 61 pounds of fatty fat. Now that I have less cushion, I'm down for some pushin'. (If ya know what I mean.)
I've lost a ton of weight and posted a damn-near-nekkid picture on the internet, but that's not what makes me a milf. Two criteria: 1 - You gotta be a mom. There's no way around it. Having a kid fucks up your body, so having a post-partum body that's still desirable is kind of a big deal. I happen to be a single mom. (Hellooooo straight single guy readers! *crickets* Oh, there aren't any of you? Balls.)
2 - You gotta be confident. It took me a long time to get comfortable in my own skin, and that came with weight loss and being happy with my life. That has turned more heads than any amount of spray tan, lip gloss or teased-to-Jesus hair. And if that guy doesn't think your a milf, so what? Another one will - maybe one you haven't noticed yet. That first guy probably has herpes anyway. You're a milf. You've worked hard for that title. You go on witcho bad self - and howsabout you come visit my lil ol' blog while you're at it? 


  1. Girl is FUNNY! I like her already!

    Prayin' for you and yours Marcy!


  2. Hilarious!! Loving the MILF body!!

  3. She is SO FUNNY! ilf... hair teased to Jesus haha love it all!

  4. As always, you brought a smile to my face!! Hope things are going better Marcy!
