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Friday, May 3, 2013

Dear self...

Dear Self,
Chin up and remember failing is not in your vocabulary.
Will you be the fastest runner tomorrow?
No, not by a long shot.
Just know that it's okay.
Guess what?!
You are still running laps around all those people sitting their asses on the couch eating endless amounts of junk.
So what if you have to stop and walk?  So what if you have to stop and get something to drink?
It's okay.
You have made it this far and giving up is never something you do.
It's okay to cry, too.
That's what you are going to wear sunglasses for.
This is definitely an emotional part of your journey.
So what you have gained some weight back during the process.
That's okay, too.
You have recognized it and you are pushing forward.
You are a BAMF.
Start acting like it.
Think positive always.
The negativity will only hurt you in the end.
Just when you think you can't go any further, keep pushing harder.
Think about all those people, your Pawpaw especially, who would give anything just to walk a mile right now.
Know that your Pawpaw, along with the rest of your family are proud of you no matter what your race time is.
Just that you are running/walking 6.2 miles is a HUGE accomplishment.
And last but certainly not least...
Practice your Finish Line race face.
We don't want to be looking like this do we?
Didn't think so...

Just remember...

Oh and beer will be waiting for you at the end.


  1. Good luck tomorrow!!! I will be running my first half marathon on Sunday whether or not I'm in pain (I'm not sure if it's sciatica or something else). I'm going to steal one of your quote pictures you posted above - hope you don't mind! We can do it!!!!!


  2. You got this! You're a BAMF!! :)

  3. Your are bamf!!!! You will finish!!! You won't be last!!!! And you are gonna rock this!!! Where is your race??? Good luck gal you are do this!!

  4. Good Luck Hot Mama :) Youre going to be amazing and youve got this!!

  5. Girl you got this!!! Good luck tomorrow, but I don't think you will need it ;)

  6. You are going to rock doubt in my mind!

  7. GO MARCY GO!!!!!!!!! I am rooting you on every step of the way baby!!!

  8. You've got this. You are a fricken beast, girl. Give it all you are and then some, and we will all be rooting you on!!

  9. Nice post :) Good for you for pushing on!! Good luck tomorrow!!


  11. Amazing post! I will be hanging it on my wall of inspiration, in front of my treadmill. You'll be amazing tomorrow! I'll be routing for ya!

  12. Good luck tomorrow!!! So excited for you! Great pre-race thoughts and very true. And I love that first quote, so true!

  13. Good luck girl!! You'll do awesome tomorrow!!! I'll be cheering you on in spirit from Florida!!!

  14. Good luck little mama! You got this! I can't wait to see it all on Instagram! You're an inspiration! Love ya girlie!

  15. Good luck! Rock it!

