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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Jakey-Poo & Little Holly's Finish the sentence... Linkup!

Aren't they cute?
I just wanna squish them...

If I had one extra hour in the day... I would use it to sleep.  I just can't seem to get enough right now!
I wish my name... Was nothing different than what it is.  I like it, it's not something you hear everyday...  I prefer to only be called by Marcy though, and not Marcella...  That makes me feel old or like I am three years old and getting in trouble for putting holes with a needles in my Mom's water bed...
Yes, that happened...
Sorry Mom!
I think anything chevron is... A form of crack disguised in fabric.  I am pretty much obsessed...
My last nightmare... People were hiding in my basement.  Nuff said considering I am the biggest scardy cat known to man and already have my house locked up tighter than Fort Knox.
Sometimes... All the time I just want to have the house to myself.  Which NEVER happens.
My last meal on earth would be... Different variations of spaghetti...  covered in just butter, covered in sauce w/ meatballs bigger than my head, covered in chili with cheese, okay you get my point...
I would much rather be strong than skinny.
Mayonnaise... Is like heaven in my mouth... 
10 years ago, I didn't think... I would ever have a blog...  let alone people that actually read what I wrote... 
Selfishly... I just want to travel the world and see all my blog besties...
My favorite show on TV right now... TV?  What's that?  Who has time to watch it right now?
And, George Zimmerman... Honestly y'all know me.  I keep it lighthearted and fun for the most part around here.  This topic just isn't something I really want to dabble into JAKEY-POO!
I will just say this...
I think he should have been found guilty.
I think this whole case got way too much attention.
I think there is plenty of cases out there that have not gotten any attention that should of.
PS its a dam good day!
It's Friday Eve y'all so put a smile on your face and let's make it a good one!


  1. OMG.... All I want is to be alone too. I don't understand why people get upset when I say that. I am NEVER alone. UGH!

  2. Girl I would kill to have the house alone too. Never gonna happen though. You look hot today. Love the shoes!

  3. Seems like a lot of us would like an extra hour to sleep. HAHA!

  4. Travel the world and come see me! Wait, I think you might just have to cross a bridge to come see me actually...that's even better. We need to meet. (ok is that creepy? cause I don't mean for it to be creepy)

