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Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Transformation Tuesday: The puke fairy came for a visit

"A dream doesn't
become reality
through magic;  it takes
sweat, determination and
hard word."

This morning was nothing short of a miracle.
A miracle that I made it through my workout without
1. passing out or 2. blowing chunks all over the mat.

I am STILL surprising myself daily.
I am STILL learning so much.

Who would have thought I, Marcella K. Burris, could start my day at 4AM?
Surely not me.
I was literally somebody that would lay in bed until the last possible minute.
I would scramble to get myself together.
I would yell at the kids because THEY weren't moving fast enough.
When I was really the one to blame...
I was so miserable and making life so much harder on myself,
and those that I loved the most around me.

Now this morning I had to laugh as I completed my second load of laundry.
This is all after I have gotten up, started my Thrive regimen, taken a hot shower to wake up, and made it to the gym for a killer workout.
This all happened before 7:30 AM.
Who am I?

It's amazing what takes place in the gym.
My gym.
A place that has literally saved my life.
Just when you think things start to get easy...
It creeps up on you.
The puke fairy almost paid me a visit this morning.
I was feeling a little discouraged when I left the gym.
But in all honesty...
It just means that I was PUSHING my body to that next level.

Why should it be easy?
If everything were easy everybody would be doing it.
What fun is that?
Your right.  It's not.

Image may contain: 2 people, people standing

Unless I puke, faint, or die...
I will just keep on keepn' on...
Image may contain: shoes
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