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Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Truth is...

~It took me a legit 10 minutes to figure out that I was signed on under the wrong Google account name.  Can you say 10 minutes of sheer panic when I could not figure out why my blog wasn't showing up in my dashboard.

~I shaved my legs for the first time since November this morning.
It hurt really bad so I don't recommend that shit...

~My chipped toe nails have not been touched since my last pedicure in October.
No shame.

~I am not sure whether I should be honoured or hurt by the fact that more people asked me how I had the balls to post this most recent post or not?
Yes, it takes balls don't get me wrong.
But why are we all so afraid of weight and struggles and showing the bad parts of our life?
It's what makes us our own kind of perfect.
At least I think so...
I don't want to get credit for being the most perfect person on the planet.
There is beauty in the imperfections y'all!

~I am having a harder time than I let on with the fact that my Dad is officially making Nebraska his new home.  I know this is his real home and he will come back often and we will go see him.
But I miss him.  Already.  All the time.
Love that man and I am so thankful for the relationship that we have developed.

~I really would love a boob job some day.

~I signed up for MamaLaughlin's Dietbet and you should, too.
Ummmm hello people the pot is over $70,000.00 bucks.
Who doesn't want cash as some sort of incentive to lose weight?
How I’m spending MDW.

~I will never give up my creamed coffee with splenda every morning.
Like ever.
if you talk to me before i’ve had my morning coffee
That shit IS my crack and my mornings would never be the same with out it.

~On that last note I had my last pop for a very long while last night and that ish was delish.

~Lauren kept saying "IDK" yesterday and I acted like for the longest time I knew what she was talking about.  Did y'all know what that meant?
I am old.
IDK = I don't know

~I am going to be 30 in September.
Now that was harder than telling y'all my weight.

~I still love beer.
when you’re trying to start your weekend early

~I still want to run so that I can have said beer and I plan to FINALLY, after so many times of talking about it, run my first half in May.
Who's with me?!
the only sport you’ll see me playing

~Am still intimidated by weights.
Lifting weights.
Lifting weights at the gym.
Lifting weights at the gym in front of other people.
Especially the grunting squad...

~Hate cancer.
No, I don't have cancer, but I fucking hate it for reasons I don't care to discuss.

~Am the most disorganized cleanest person on the planet.
You won't find a speck of dust but don't you dare go rummaging through my cabinets.
You WILL be terrified.
~Take meds for my depression and anxiety and I don't care who knows it.
I have struggled.
It is a very tough thing to go through but I couldn't feel better than I have these last couple of months.

~Have used my thyroid as a crutch for my weight for entirely, too long.
It will be hard.
It is hard.
But I have done it before, I can do it again.

Truth is...
I am perfectly imperfect.
Around here you will get the real deal.
Mostly funny, a little serious, and I am sure there will be a shit ton of grammatical errors.
You will also find motivation and tons of support, we are all in this together!
I have missed blogging and y'all terribly and I am MORE than ready to make 2015 my bitch!
Thanks from the bottom of my heart for being along for the ride :)

me at the gym

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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Transformation Tuesday 9/9/2014

I really don't think too many words are needed today...

I know I am a major goof ball but if you are serious everyday of your life what's the fun in that?
Don't take life too seriously. It's not like you're going to get out alive. #inspirational #quote #life
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Monday, September 8, 2014

The girl of 7 years past...

Happy Monday pretties!
It's my birthday week.
The last birthday week I am ever celebrating...
Just kidding.
On Thursday I will turn 29 so I figured I would start out this week on a really positive note:

Yesterday my Gran was going through pictures that she had found.
Pictures are truly a blessing.
They have been such a big part of my journey.
My middle daughter Shelby girl turned 8 yesterday.
Hard to believe.
When my Gran pulled the pictures out from her first birthday out I was in utter shock.
Complete disbelief.
I could not wrap my head around just how much I have changed.
I have not seen these pictures in 7 years after all.
So much I had forgotten about the person I used to be.
The fake smile.
The bleached hair.
The extra 50 pounds I was carrying around day in and day out.
The daily tears.
Feelings of depression rolled over me with heavy waves.
It was hard to breathe...
And not just because I was carrying so much extra weight.
I feel so sad for the girl I was 7 years ago, but I feel blessed for the woman I have become today.
I might not be where I want to be, but I am closer and stronger than I have ever been.
So this upcoming birthday I will celebrate all that I have been able to accomplish...
I will NOT focus on what I haven't.

Great quote from Walt Disney.. Around here... we don't look backwards.. Perfect message for my clients who have struggled with weight loss. Concentrate on what you are going to do now and tomorrow.. forget about the past problems.. focus on future fun!
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Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Typically every Wednesday I spend in misery.
I gripe.
I complain.
I spend more time being miserable than I do happy.
Every Wednesday.
It’s the same dreaded day every week.
I frown more than I smile.
Sometimes all the negativity will end up resulting in bad choices on my part.
It’s paperday.
Yes, my Husband is a paper boy.
Sounds cute right?
Yes, he has a normal job, but his family has been in the paper business since before he was born I believe.
He delivers the recorders locally once a week.
One day.
I spend maybe two hours or so, standing in the garage, folding papers.
Every Wednesday.
Bitching the whole time.
While my hard working Husband stands across from me.
Not only does he have to fold them, but he gets up every Thursday morning before his regular job at 2AM to go and throw the papers.
All for us.
While his feet are aching from being on them all day, while I sit on my ass a majority of that time.
While we are in return making really good money for folding said papers every week.
Every damn Wednesday this occurs.
He takes it.
He takes me complaining.
When I am too hot, or too tired, or too cold.
He just listens.
And he never complains.
He works so hard for our family.
I should be thankful.
And I am…
So today I am going to try and be as positive as possible.
Today I am going to smile.
Today I will simply enjoy that I get to stand next to my best friend, having good conversation, while folding papers and providing for our family.
I love my Husband.
I want to lift him up.
I want to make him proud, and happy, and if all I am doing is complaining how am I ever going to do that?
~Instead of looking at the negative, we must focus on the positive~

In other news I lost 1 pound since Monday and I feel like I have my groove back =)

PS did you see what this lady is doing in San Francisco?!  LOL
Female Runner Who Uses Nike+ to Draw Dicks Is an American Hero

~Marcy's Motto for the day~
Be thankful for what you have :]
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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Cherish the way you Sparkle...

Payton:  Where Daddy go?
Me:  Daddy’s at work sweetie.
Payton: {squealing} He making money! He making money right?
Me: Yes, baby Daddy's making money so we can go shopping!
Payton: Right, Daddy making money {laughing}
I cannot make this shit up.
I have taught her well ;)
Poor Daddy!!!

It’s Tuesday and so far so good.
Besides the McAllister’s Deli club and pasta salad I just threw down my pie hole in about 2.5 seconds things are good.
Regardless I am still within my calories and determined to keep it that way today.
Baby steps.
I have to keep reminding myself that this is a process.
It’s not like one small change is going to get me to my life-long goal.
So many people want quick fixes.
I don’t.
I want to work hard.
At the end of the day I want to feel proud of what I have accomplished.
Shit is hard.
I just threw away two cookies that were in my catered lunch and you would have thought I just lost my best friend.
National Cookie Day but also me every day
I love food.
It’s comfort.
It makes me happy.
…and dammit it tastes so good!
But then I see pictures like this and the cookies are easier to resist...

I have done this before.
I can do this again.
I WILL do this again.
There is beauty in the journey...

Hubby and I walked a little over 2 miles last night.
My goal for us tonight is over three miles.
We will see if he tuckers out on me or not ;)

So how are y’all feeling today?
I am feeling great.
Coke told me I was a Star ;)
How’s your week going so far?

PS We often forget to cherish how beautiful we all our in our own individual ways...

~Marcy’s Motto for the day~
Cherish the way you sparkle. FROM:
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Monday, August 4, 2014

Last night I dreamt that Johnny Depp gave me a boob job...

Mondays suck balls.
Yesterday I woke up with a sinus headache.
I decided to take two Tylenol Cold & Sinus {recommended dose} tablets thinking that would give IT a swift kick in the ass.
Well instead it gave ME a swift kick in the ass.
I felt like I was higher than a kite for a majority of the day and was sick to my stomach.
Jokes on me.
I never ever ever EVER sleep good on a Sunday night.
Like ever.
Last night I dreamt that I got a boob job.
Johnny Depp was the surgeon and Jason Aldean was my nurse.
It was so real that when I woke up this morning I had actually thought it happened.
Until I opened my eyes that is.
How I feel about losing an hour of sleep after Daylight’s Savings.
However, today I surprisingly feel great!
We have already walked over two miles on our breaks and I am getting ready to gear up for our last mile walk in about an hour.
I have eaten great so far and have a pretty good momentum going.
Hopefully little bebe Jebus is on my side tonight when I sit down to watch Bachelor in Paradise that I can keep the snacking to a minimum.
…and make healthy choices at that.

I finally feel like I am getting my groove thang back!

Hope all you lovies had an amazing weekend and have a fantastic Monday =)

~Marcy's Motto for the day~
A One Hour Workout is 4% of Your Day. No Excuses - Try some of our 7-Day Challenges, like our: Abs Challenge, Arms Challenge, and Butt Challenge, guaranteed to work you hard and use every minute spent on your workout to its fullest.
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Friday, August 1, 2014


That’s what I am calling today.
And honestly…
It’s not all about staying within my calories, or exercising for this many minutes, or how many ounces of water I drink within the day.
Sure, that has a lot to do with it, but it’s so much more than that.
It’s about me.
It’s about how I feel.
It’s about my attitude.
Ditching the negative because I ate a handful of this, or I didn't go and do this.
Knowing that even though I can’t be perfect all of the time.
That’s okay.
Not losing any sleep over that.
Letting things go.
It’s okay.
Knowing that it’s not just a new day, or hour, but a new minute.
So this weekend, minus trying to stay healthy, I will smile.
I will be confident.
I will be happy.
I will be proud of the things I have done, instead of being pissed off at myself for the things I haven’t.
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