I feel like I need to come with a Warning label today:
"Please proceed with Caution"
I was in such a rush this morning.
Okay, well, like that is different than every morning...
If you know me IRL, you probably know that I am not a morning person.
Like not even a little bit.
I will wait until the very last second to get out of bed.
So I was rushing around like a crazy person trying to get myself and two of my girls together and out the door.
Plus the dog who was getting groomed this morning...
I take a thyroid pill every day for hypothyroidism and my sweet Shelby takes ADHD medication.
I get the medication out, yell at Shelby for the third time to come in the kitchen and take her meds, and before I have realized it I am handing her my pill as I am swallowing hers...
I now feel like at any moment I could naw my ear off?
Climb the wall like Spiderman?
Run a marathon?
I believe this is what geeking out on a hard drug might be like.
So naturally I took advantage of this feeling and ran my ass off at the gym.
Ain't she cute? LOL
I haven't been able to run more than two minutes at a time for as long as I can remember.
Today I ran 6, and would have ran more, but dammit I have had two kids and I had to pee.
Moral of today's story: SLOW THE FUCK DOWN Y'ALL.
No, In all seriousness...