Typically every Wednesday I spend in misery.
I gripe.
I complain.
I spend more time being miserable than I do happy.
Every Wednesday.
It’s the same dreaded day every week.
I frown more than I smile.
Sometimes all the negativity will end up resulting in bad choices on my part.
It’s paperday.
Yes, my Husband is a paper boy.
Sounds cute right?
Yes, he has a normal job, but his family has been in the
paper business since before he was born I believe.
He delivers the recorders locally once a week.
One day.
I spend maybe two hours or so, standing in the garage,
folding papers.
Every Wednesday.
Bitching the whole time.
While my hard working Husband stands across from me.
Not only does he have to fold them, but he gets up every Thursday morning before his regular job at 2AM to go and throw the papers.
All for us.
While his feet are aching from being on them all day, while
I sit on my ass a majority of that time.
While we are in return making really good money for folding
said papers every week.
Every damn Wednesday this occurs.
He takes it.
He takes me complaining.
When I am too hot, or too tired, or too cold.
He just listens.
And he never complains.
He works so hard for our family.
I should be thankful.
And I am…
So today I am going to try and be as positive as possible.
Today I am going to smile.
Today I will simply enjoy that I get to stand next to my
best friend, having good conversation, while folding papers and providing for
our family.
I love my Husband.
I want to lift him up.
I want to make him proud, and happy, and if all I am doing
is complaining how am I ever going to do that?
~Instead of looking at the negative, we must focus on the
In other news I lost 1 pound since Monday and I feel like I
have my groove back =)
PS did you see what this lady is doing in San Francisco?! LOL
~Marcy's Motto for the day~