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Friday, May 2, 2014

Hitting the pavement this weekend... but not alone!

No, you are in fact NOT being punked.
I am alive.
I am well.
The only reason I am even able to right is because I have picked up a lovely case of insomnia.
Unfortunately with the new job I just have no extra time right now and when I do I am usually sleeping.
Nobody even knows how much I miss writing here on a daily basis.
Going from being able to connect to y'all so regularly to feeling so disconnected has been hard.
Really fucking hard.
But it's also been worth it...
I am doing great things in my professional life!
It does come with sacrifice though...
And my beloved little space I have created here is suffering.
I am making a promise to try and write more, to connect more, and get back into my groove.
It's time.
I do believe in my heart this brought a lot of inspiration and motivation not only to me but to others.
I have come too far to let any of that go now.
Just a few random things that have happened in the past month.
I obviously started my new job which I love!
I have traveled two and from Detroit twice (without my sweet little family) for work.
My Hubby and I just celebrated our three year wedding anniversary this past Tuesday and he is taking me out on the town to celebrate tonight.
I haven't been to the gym in three weeks.
And I am kind of emotional about this last one.
This weekend I will be hitting the pavement for The Flying Pig 5k.
But I won't be alone.
I am doing it with my Dad.
For years our relationship was such a roller coaster ride.
We have definitely had our ups and downs but life is absolutely too short to hold on to the past.
So here is to our future and many more runs together!
Did I mention I haven't been to the gym in three weeks?
Should be interesting to say the least!
Stay tuned =)

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